Wednesday, April 2, 2014

GIS 4043 Lab 12: Geocoding and Network Analyst

Approaching the end of the semester, this lab was split into three sections to introduce use to ArcMap functions that will be explored further in later courses.  One section focused on an exploration of ModelBuilder.  Reminding me of a "Lego-fied" version of Python, ModelBuilder allows you to create a chain of processes by creating a visual model composed of data inputs, tools and outputs.  These models are easily created, edited, saved, and shared with others.  I look forward to learning more of ModelBuilder in the future.

The other two sections were connected and resulted in the map above.  The geocoding section had us create a point data file showing EMS locations by creating an address locator for use in connection with an Excel file of EMS addresses.  We saw how the process can work automatically when all data match properly; we also had to deal with several addresses that did not match automatically.  For these we had to manually select the correct address.  We saw how to do this using the best match candidate list as well as manually locating the address in question directly on the map.  We also explored the use of outside mapping services (e.g., Google Maps) to verify addresses.

Using the geocoded EMS data, the final section had us use ArcMap's Network Analyst to create a sample route from one EMS location to two stops.  Like the other sections, this was an introduction to a powerful tool that we will learn more about in the future.  This lab introduced us to the basics of Network Analyst:  how to create a route, adding and editing stops, tweaking the options for the route analysis, and exporting the route as a new feature class.  I used this route data for the inset map in the above map document.

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